a Quick-Win, Step by Step Postcard Project

Here we are...three weeks into 2021. Amazing. How's it going over there?

It's been a gentle winter on the prairies, until this morning when we woke to -43 (with the wind chill). Brr. But the days are getting longer and spring is drawing closer. I will not complain. (at least not yet).

Anyhow, enough about the weather. 

Today... a fun quick-win project for you to try out 3-D Postcard Making...like this. Oh my goodness, so much fun.

Each designed in Photoshop then printed using my beloved HP Tango. (if you're looking for a pretty, no-drama printer) I highly recommend it.
And with the Instant Ink plan, you can print and print...

There's nothing lovelier than holding your beautiful work in your hand.

Making The Postcards
Here are the 2 video tutorials I posted this week in the Inner Circle for designing your postcards in Ps.

Part 1

Part 2

Print Your Work

Links & Resources

Note: Design Cut and Red River paper links are my affiliate links. If you purchase through the link I will receive a small commission. Thank you for your support). Easy, peasy and so lovely. 

Show me Yours

If you're inspired by this project, please share a pic on Instagram. Tag me and use the hashtag #kimklassen_make
I'd love to see.xxxKim

p.s. if you're looking for creative inspiration times 10...come join us in the inner circle.

p.s.s. I'm sure there are people in your life that could use a little lift. Who might you gift a little 3-d postcard to? If you do, pop back and share your story in the comments below.xxx

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a new favourite font, free quote art printable & a Photoshop Type Tutorial


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