silly films and I can’t not

If you asked why I do this ‘work’ I do my answer would be
because I can’t not. It’s a part of me. This is what I do.
And if I won the lottery or didn’t ‘have to’ work I’d still keep showing up and doing what I do, cause I can’t not.’

I think the question many of us are asking.
is ‘this’ all too trivial or superficial with all that’s happening in our world?”

I believe not.
but I also believe we have no idea how to navigate this upside-down world and that you might feel differently than me and that’s ok too.
And what we see on social media or blogs is only a glimpse into each of our own worlds.

One and the other. Not One or the Other.

We can create while feeling sad, heartbroken, lost, alone.
We can laugh while worried sick about a loved one or the madness happening in our world.

We might not be experiencing the horror of Ukraine or the flooding in Australia or the many other big tragic things happening right now but we may be hurting in our own personal way.
Life and loss keep going on no matter all the other horrors happening around.

We can show up and share a photo, a silly film, send out an email, go for a walk, make. a cup of tea, watch the sunrise or set while struggling in our own personal way.

Each day I wake with the freedom to do ‘this thing’ I do I will try my best to honor the privilege it is because I have no idea what tomorrow might bring.

I will create because I can. I will create because I can’t not.
I will create because there are so many that would love the choice to do so but instead are fighting to survive.

I will create and pray that peace will come.

And if you’re still here one last thing note.

’take heart dear friend, forever & always take heart.’

‘take heart' 

  • to gain courage or confidence: to begin to feel better and more hopeful
    Take heart; things will get better soon."

  • to find happiness in something

  • to encourage something

  • to get comfort and courage from something (take heart from)

with love & gratitude



what is your ‘can’t not’? I’d love to hear in the comments below. xxx


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