right words. right time.
Hello lovely,
How’s your week?
Mine has been beautiful and difficut all at once.
Beautiful because I’ve been feeling creative and inspired.
Beautiful because I’ve taught 4 zoom classes this week and it’s been so much fun. I love live teaching.
Difficult because I’ve been stuck in a thought loop in my mind.
Logically I know I need to let it go, but my word it seems to keep going round.
Yesterday as I was googling for a quote for my Modern Type class lesson, I stumbled upon these words from To Kill a Mockingbird.
(which I sent out via email and totally miscredited the name Atticus Finch) Apologies for that.
These simple words stopped me in my tracks.
it’s not time to worry yet. – Atticus Finch • To Kill a Mockingbird
‘You are so right Atticus Finch. Thank you.’
Then these words.
worry often gives a small thing a BIG shadow.”
—Swedish Proverb
Don’t you love when just the right words find you?
Maybe, just maybe you needed these words today too.
Grab hold, hang tight. Breathe, pray, breathe again. Pray some more.
Tell a friend.
Sometimes just saying ‘things’ out loud can stop the constant brain looping in our heads.
Thanks so much for stopping by. Have a beautiful weekend.
with love.
wanna learn to create encouraging typography designs to share with your people through social, messages, email?
Check out my Modern Photoshop Type Design Class. It’s packed full of inspiration and valuable easy-to-follow step-by-step tutorials and design lessons. ♡
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