And Just Like that … September

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Can you believe September is here? Where did the summer go? (I think I say that every year).

 I hope you’ve been well.

I just love fall. How ‘bout you?
It feels like a fresh start just full of possibilities

And seeing as it’s been a while, I thought I’d share a bit about what’s been happening around here, a few of my latest favorite things, and what’s ahead for fall.

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A Dream Brand Collaboration

A few months back a message from the lovely Britt of @vermontlinencompany landed in my Instagram DM's inquiring if I’d be interested in a little photography collaboration.
Of course, I said yes… cause linen is life and lovely. Right. : )

A few weeks later an amazing collection of Vermont Linen arrived. Gosh, it’s all so picture (and video) perfect.

And here is a list of a few of my most favorite things in the Vermont Linen shop.

I could go on and on and on….

Oh, and wonderful news… Britt made us a discount code. Check it out.

We have a discount for all of Kim's people! Feel free to share the code KIMKLASSEN for 15% off all orders over $100. No limit and never expires.
Hope this helps your photographers get there hands on some fun linen props!

And the story continues.

As Britt and I were discussing ideas for VLC imagery we got to talking about how she’d love to create her own videos, (Especially since Instagram’s announcement ‘we’re no longer just a photo-sharing app.’)
Of course, the teacher in me said… ‘heck yes you can!’

I suggested the perfect (and most beautiful) camera and lens to get started and that the very same day Britt messaged to say…. the camera and lens are on their way!
A few days later she asked about booking a 1:1 package to get up and running ASAP.
I just love an action-taker!

After a little discussion about coaching packages, I suggested a VIP intensive. A bespoke intensive designed to meet creatives right where they are.
A fast-track 2-part / 8-hour session for photographers, brands, and businesses who want to elevate their photos and videos.

Britt, her husband Matt, and I had our first half-session last weekend, and oh my word… Amazing.
We started from the start with exposure, camera settings, and the need-to-knows to get started taking photos and videos with their shiny new camera.

From almost no camera experience, and never using Lightroom….
Britt is now making beautiful slow-mo videos and taking dreamy photos, with lovely Lightroom edits.
Like this photo and she’s making/sharing beautiful videos in her stories too.

I can’t believe what a quick study Matt & Britt are. Amazing.

A few days ago Britt wrote this on her Instagram post. (straight to my heart.) ♡

You guys. I’m doing a thing. I’m learning a new skill. Beyond the making, behind the scenes, amongst everything else, one more thing I just have to learn.
Taking pictures with a real, bona fide, non-phone camera.
Disclaimer | I did not take this picture @kimklassen did. And after several classes, lots of instruction, and so much kindness, I just have to share her with you all!

If you are a creative, hustling your own little business. And you’re wishing you could elevate your imagery game. She is your person. Perfect instruction, beautiful energy, and tons of knowledge. Knowledge that goes beyond the camera, things that will help you in your everyday life that you can’t believe you ever lived without (@milanote).
My end goal here is to be able to create a bit of video. To tell the story of our linens mostly, in an effortless, everyday sort of way. I’m a self taught iPhone picture taker. Crank that exposure, just discovered contrast like a year ago I’m ready to move up a grade.
I find these kinds of endeavors to be sort of a creative outlet within the workings of the business. When my fingers can’t sew anymore I tend to pick up the camera (or go into the kitchen)… and I’m excited to push myself to learn a bit more about how real images are captured.

So, @kimklassen. She’s the best. Let me know if you’re in my boat, wishing you could do the thing, with the fancy camera. I’ll get you in touch. It’s worth it.

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If you’re interested in a bespoke VIP Intensive feel free to reach out to chat a little more about it. You can also check out my coaching packages here.

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Coming Up / Oh so many exciting things…

  • Brand new Show-up sessions starting next week. If you haven’t signed up for show-up click HERE to register. It’s FREE.

  • A New Class // Designing Layouts in Lightroom

  • A possible writing class - any journalers out there looking for a reset?

  • Making Videos for Your Brand Class (still experimenting with the name)

I’d love to hear what’s new in your creative life. Please feel free to share in the comments below.



Before you go how about a lovely shades of Vermont Linen September screensaver to elevate your month… Scroll below for the download link. xxx


The Stories We Tell and October Screensavers


This Beautiful Book & Pretty Print & Paper Project Ideas