Autumn Calling
shades of autumn, random finds, and thoughts on my mind
It seems like only yesterday I was longing for the peonies to explode…
And now here I am yearning for chunky sweaters, warm socks, and my Blundstone boots.
We, humans, are a funny bunch.
While I wait for autumn to arrive…
I made a little shades of autumn inside timelapse/stop combo for my class.
And took lots of extra pics too.
Including a diptych (AKA dip) inspired by last week’s conversation with Michelle Mollinga. ♡
Shall I list all the bits & bobs in this frame?
In No Particular Order.
Inspired by Nature book by Hans Blomquist (Amazon affiliate link. note: if you use it I will receive a small commission)
Readers of my dreams by Izipizi
Velvet silk ribbon from Etsy.
Vintage prints from my collection (soon to be in the shop)
Linen napkin from Vermont Linen
Fine striped linen from Pure Linen Envy
Bowl from Farmers Son Co (last Christmas)
Dried eucalyptus and magnolia leaves from my florist friend Pat.
Vintage book - Speaking and Writing English. Isn’t it so beautiful?
Jute spool with scissors - I believe I found it at Winners many years back.
Oh, and… a quick story about this old bench.
I’ve had two painted benches kicking around for years. The paint coming off in chunks. (and not in a good day).
The other day John started prepping both for a fresh coat.
When I saw the raw wood he uncovered…it was love at first sight.
Stop! Look at that beautiful wood. Do NOT paint it.
He offered to stain it… But I said, Let’s bring it to the studio, and I’ll see how it photographs.’
I think it’s pretty perfect just the way it is.
And this table top is pretty perfectly imperfect too.
Other Completely Random Ramblings
I asked way back in one of my July posts…What you are watching?
Tricia mentioned The Split.
Oh, my word… I just finished the series last night, and I’m feeling mournful it’s over.
Like Tricia, I always wished for sisters. So good if you like juicy family drama, law and such.
Someone suggested this Sonicare toothbrush on TikTok, and all I can say is, where has this been all my life? Wowza. My mouth feels like I’ve been to the dentist for a full clean. It’s nothing like the electric toothbrushes I’ve had in the past.
(Amazon affiliate link. note: if you use it, I will receive a small commission)
How cool and lovely is this camera bag? All the Kindly bags.
I’m so inspired by women who design actual physical things and put them out into the world. Pop over and watch the about video. The bags are stunning and so beautifully considered.
And finally… just some recent thoughts spinning round in my mind.
The other day I had to take my son’s car to the store.
Anyhow, I turned the key and put it in reverse. Nothing happened. I tried again… nothing.
One more time, and voila.
It was me, not the car.
I didn’t for a second think Oh No. She’s not going to start.
Mainly because we’d just had it at the garage for service, and all was well.
This got me thinking about how we wish for a thing, imagine a dream but don’t really believe it could come true.
What if we simply trusted our dream was on the way? And showed up from that place.
Taking small steps forward and toward.
Trusting the path and the process along the way.
Like I had no doubt the car would start, or my Amazon order will land at my door.
How might we show up from that trust?
Why is it so much easier to believe in others…
Friends, family, even Amazon?
What if we tried this on for ourselves?
Random rambling. And that’s all.
Tell Me True
One thing even two random things on your mind.
I’d love to know.
With love…
AI has powered our creative tools for years—Photoshop, Lightroom, even our camera apps. Now, it’s more hands-on. And while AI isn’t the artist, it can save us so much time.