The Magic of Personal Projects

featuring Michelle Mollinga’s Daily Diptych Series

Diptych | dip·tych


  1. a 2-leaved hinged tablet folding together to protect writing on its waxed surfaces

  2. a picture or series of pictures (such as an altarpiece) painted or carved on two hinged tablets

  3. a work made up of two matching parts

  4. two images combined into a single frame or presented together.

Today I’m thrilled to share my friend and client Michelle Mollinga’s daily dips project.

Michelle is an amazing lifestyle photographer and film maker. She lives in beautiful British Columbia, Canada with her husband and sweet pug Rubes.
We haven’t met in real life but we’ve spent many hours together on zoom sessions and walk and talks too.
She is super talented. Kind, lovely, so supportive and I’m blessed to call her a dear friend.

A while back I was chatting with Michelle and she mentioned she was considering a daily diptych project and see how it goes.
I asked her…
Do you think you could do it for 30 days?’

She replied.
Hmm, Yes, but I may need to put it on pause while in Spain.’

We chatted about giving it go and deciding ahead of time how that might work.
ie. Starting now (not waiting) and if it didn’t work out while in Spain to pick up where she left off when she was back home.

And so it began.

At first,’
and I am quoting Michelle…

It was about getting it done. Taking 2 pics and putting them together into a dip.
Over time it evolved and I started to find a flow.
I started seeing and shooting more intentionally.
Each dip a little more magical.

okay that last part is more my words than Michelles…but it’s the truth.
Go see for yourself.

Why I Wanted to Share this With You

these dips are so beautiful. in fact they’re the main reason I open Instagram these days.
they’re proof of how powerful a personal project can become.
three and most importantly
they may inspire you to consider and commit to your own personal creativity project too.

So Much More to Say About This …

Originally I wanted to share it all in this post.
But as I was chatting about this with Michelle I thought…
Wait, this is meant for a zoom.
And thought you might like to join us too.

Mark Your Calendar
Date: August 17th
Time: 12 pm CST
Be sure to join this new INSIDER LIST to receive the zoom invite closer to next Wednesday.

The conversation will include:

The magic (not magic) of creative projects.
How one thing leads to another in UNEXPECTED WAYS when you commit and show up to your creativity.
And ‘cause I just can’t not!!
We'll chat about Michelle’s creative process, camera, gear, camera settings, dip layout and more.

How Michelle believes in the magic (not magic) of daily writing too.
and how the one line a day creativity journaling challenge helped her stay committed to her daily dips and more.

Aren’t they all so lovely?

Click HERE to visit Michelle’s new website that came to life through her daily dips project.

Thank you Michelle for allowing me to share your beautiful dips with my lovely people. And for agreeing to continue the conversation on zoom. ♡

You are amazing!!

Please say hello in the comments and share your dip-love with Michelle.
And if you have any Q’s for our zoom, feel free to post them below too. ♡



Click HERE to be sure you receive the zoom conversation updates and other exciting news.

Today’s images by Michelle Mollinga ©Michelle Mollinga 2022


Autumn Calling


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