and how to type the em dash on your iphone

In the most recent White Space short I talked about my new love of the em dash. I love that so many of you jumped on board.
If you missed the email, you can sign up for future letters and access the archives here.

Here is what I wrote.

I'm obsessed with the ‘perfect’ text styling. Whether it's spacing, italics, or bold, I love getting it just right.

Fun Fact:
Did you know Gen Z has criticized ‘us’ for what they call ‘boomer ellipses’ —AKA the dot,dot,dot—apparently ellipses can be confusing or passive-aggressive in digital communication.
Who knew? And honestly, do we even care?
: )

But recently I've fallen hard for the Em Dash —and I'm on a mission to swap my much-loved 3-dots for the more minimalist long dash.

Til now, I mostly used the Em Dash for author credits, like this: 
—James Clear. 
But it's so much more. The Em Dash can effortlessly replace commas, parentheses, or colons to create a pause in a sentence—and personally, I find it much prettier.

How to Type the Em Dash — on a Mac

For my fellow Mac users, here's a little tip: 
type SHIFT + OPTION + HYPHEN (DASH) to create that lovely em dash. 

Whatcha think? 
Em Dash —Yay, or Nay?

Ok, so onto today’s quick zip video inspired by a question from Michelle.

How do I type the em dash on my phone?’

Here’s How

Links to note:

That’s a Wrap

Thanks so much for stopping by. Feel free to share your questions and thoughts (even hello) in the comments below.
I just love knowing you were here.

With love & gratitude.


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