For the Love of Analog
and the most beautiful pressed hydrangea
We think it's the big things, but mostly it's the quiet, ordinary (not ordinary at all) things.
My friend and client, Michelle sent me a lovely package in the mail.
a sweet Italian calendar (Calendario Italiano), gorgeous paper journals and one extraordinary pressed hydrangea.
Analog’— She said.
Me—Straight to my heart.'
Today's Analog bits and bobs
+vintage apple postcard printed on Aurora White paper. Join the Whitespace letters list to receive free pretty printables.
+this date stamp never fails me.
+pressed hydrangea (thank you Michelle, I love it so much.)
+dried peonies (so glad i kept all the tiny buds this year.)
+Black Wing pencils forever and always
+my all time favourite brass sewing scissors—even though I don't sew. (note: I haven't ordered from this site. I bought mine years back from a small shop that's now closed).
A Photo Prompt to Try
Today, I invite you to create a little ‘analog’ time, mark it with a pretty picture —and if you're feeling ‘extra’ — print your pretty pic, then place the print in your scene and snap another pic.
Something like this…
(and if you take the challenge, feel free to share it with me on Insta. I'd love to see.)
“Happiness is in the quiet, ordinary things. A table, a chair, a book with a paper-knife stuck between the pages. And the petal falling from the rose, and the light
flickering as we sit silent.”
That’s a Wrap
Thanks so much for stopping by. Feel free to share your questions and thoughts (even hello) in the comments below.
I just love knowing you were here.
With love & gratitude.
AI has powered our creative tools for years—Photoshop, Lightroom, even our camera apps. Now, it’s more hands-on. And while AI isn’t the artist, it can save us so much time.