Two Things … Wait Make that Three

Hello lovely…

A few quick things before the calendar flips to January 2.

One …
Happy New Year my friend. I hope this post finds you well?

Two …
Have you updated your Lr copyright preset to 2022?
If not, now’s the perfect time for that!
And if by chance you’ve forgotten how, I’ve got you covered with a quick tutorial.

How to…Make a 2022 copyright metadata preset, how to update your 2021 copyright preset and how to delete metadata presets you no longer need.

Three…Screensavers anyone?
Wanna spruce up your desktop and phone screen for January, I have 2 options for you.

1. done for you peony screensavers. simply download and add to your computer and phone. (Yes! I know peony season is a long ways off but I needed a little pop of color in my life. Maybe you do too?)

2. two Photoshop calendar templates if you’d prefer to make your own for desktop and/or phone.

Make it Your Own Photoshop Templates for Desktop & Phone

There’s so much I’d love to say, but I must hit publish on this before it’s January 2.
More soon.



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