Season Five | Ep 16 Identity Reset Method: Rewire Your Brain for Business, Creativity, and Life Growth
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If you feel stuck despite having the tools and skills, the problem isn’t your ability—it’s how your brain is filtering your world. Your Reticular Activating System (RAS) reinforces what you already believe, whether that’s struggle or success. In this episode, I walk you through the Identity Reset Method, a four-step process to shift your mindset, take action before you feel ready, and train your brain to recognize opportunities.
In this episode, you’ll learn:
• Why your brain may be holding you back
• How the Reticular Activating System (RAS) filters your reality
• The four-step Identity Reset Method to retrain your mind
• How to act before you feel ready and build confidence through action
• The power of mental rehearsal in shaping your future
Quotable Lines from this podcast.
1. Your brain will not let you act outside of who you believe you are.
If you believe business has to be hard, the market is saturated, or you’re too late—you will be right.
Your brain isn’t working against you; it’s simply following your lead.
Confidence doesn’t come before action—it comes from action.
Stop waiting to feel ready. Act as the person you want to become.
The fastest way to shift your identity is to prove it to yourself in small, undeniable ways.
Your RAS is already filtering out 90% of reality—what you expect is what you will see.
You will never outgrow the identity you hold onto.
Change your instructions, and everything changes.
If you expect struggle, you will find struggle. If you expect opportunity, you will find opportunity.
Write three things you want your brain to focus on—your reality will follow.
Mental rehearsal is your secret weapon—your brain doesn’t know the difference between a real and imagined experience.
Repetition is the key to retraining your brain.
Choose one small action your future self would take today, and do it.
Your results will never surpass the identity you hold onto.
If you want to shift your life, start by shifting how you think about yourself.
You don’t need more time or more tools—you need a new way of seeing yourself.