I’ve Been Thinking

regarding 31 Days …

I loved the 31-Day blogging challenge so much that I decided to set myself another challenge for August.

In a nutshell, it’ll go like this …
spend one hour on my printable shop every day in August.

It won’t be as public as blogging each day.
But I’ll blog how it’s going along the way.
And I’ll use my creative one-action-a-day pages to stay on track.

And speaking of 31 days.
I had another thought.

What if I gave myself a daily challenge every month with 31 days.
August, October, December.
January, March, May…
or at least ‘til the end of this year.

But imagine…
6 months of dedicated action toward a specific goal or dream.

I think there could be a little magic in this plan.

Whatcha think?

Would you?




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