nodding yes, and how did you know?
“The desire to create is one of the deepest yearnings of the human soul.”
If you’d Prefer to listen then Read, Click Play Below.
Perhaps This is You?
Despite taking all the classes, purchasing the best gear, and watching every YouTube video, you still feel stuck.
Thoughts like.
I just need to sort this one thing and then I'll be ready to go all in.
Next week I'll give that a real go.
My light isn't like hers.
My Lr catalog is a mess, before I start I need to organize the last 2, 5, 10 years.
I need that overhead tripod thing so I can do this like her.
Oh, I love that. Maybe I should download Illustrator (insert whatever that is for you) and take a class.
And so it goes.
Are you nodding your head Yes! How did you know?
You are not alone!
Since sending this letter to my students my email has been pinging with messages like:
Kim…I’ve just listened to your Creator’s Club audio message…It felt like you were right there talking to me. I outwardly chuckled and inwardly wept, and nodded an awful lot! Can’t wait to meet you and the other members in the Club real soon.
and this…
I am excited for Creator's Club! I listened to your audio today and it resonates so loud and clear! I am the collector of the things, classes, and social media spiral and then get stone-walled because of all of the above! I have already enjoyed some creative time in 2022 for the 'soul purpose of joy, I look forward to your continued inspiration! CHEERS to a creative 2022!
and so many more.
The Big Question. Why Do I Keep Doing This?
In this crazy fast, inspiration-filled world consuming is much easier than getting quiet and making art! Consuming is safe and comfortable.
(if it was a sport I’d be an Olympian).
Once upon a time, pre- Instagram, youtube, all the online classes, and internet so slow I could make dinner while the next site loaded I was a licensed artist.
I did pretty well too. (making $60 000+ a year was amazing at the time).
Life was simpler with more time to DO THE WORK.
(Not to mention blind confidence to make and boldly submit my art to the publisher.) There was very little to compare to.
Fast forward to today…
Creativity looks more like this for many of us.
Day 1.
scroll Instagram for inspiration.
hmmm. An hour later, maybe Pinterest has something. Oh, I love that but I need that linen first.
Hmmm, maybe I can find it on Etsy or worse Amazon? Better still, I'll go antiquing next week instead.
The day is gone.
Day 2.
I like that photo I saw last night. Hmm, where was it again? Did I save it? Where did I save it?
Another hour (2, more), and poof.
Another day gone.
Day 3.
A week/month later.
Today is the day.
Ready, set... style/shoot/edit (or whatever your craft is).
Oh, I love it. I think I love it. I gotta share this on Instagram.
Ugh, the dreaded caption comes up.
An hour maybe two later, it's too late. No one will see it and it'll fall flat.
Who cares I'm posting it anyways!
You take a deep breath and hit publish.
then refresh, refresh.
Ugh. I thought it was good. What more can I do?
More silence.
It sucks! I suck!
what's the point and you give up!
Maybe not the first post, the second, third but by number 4,
"I hate Instagram! I'm done wasting my time."
It’s not our fault.
Brilliant minds designed social media with exactly this in mind. Our human desire for approval. Little dopamine hits to make us feel good or worthy and come back for more.
Remember when this was not a thing we considered at all!!!
But nothing changes if we don't change.
I believe now more than ever we can become the artist we long to be! No matter our age, stage, dream, or desire, it's not too late. We just need to get clear and put consistent creating on our calendar no matter what!
If you’re looking for creative encouragement, a community that gets you, monthly classes, and challenges, check out the Creator’s Club here.
Here’s what’s Planned for Month One
encouragement to step up to your creative dreams this year.
how to design, print, and assemble a modern minimalist photo book class. Lessons include Lr and Photoshop tutorials, the complete supply list, and step-by-step assembly tutorial.
my recent favorite finds including an overhead photography rig that won’t break the bank. (not my c-stand)
all the details about the first 5-day photography challenge. “Fall in Love with Instagram Again”
The Creator’s Club will run from January to June, 2022. Sign-up by January 18th for just $125 $75.
I’d love to have you join us.