White space — the best $600 I ever spent (not what you think)
note: this is my white space letter in email form. to receive the letters straight to your inbox, please opt-in HERE.
A Story
A story— one that might resonate if you’re facing your own challenges.
Years ago, I worked with a print publisher and art licensing company. My paintings on large signboards and canvases were shipped to Salt Lake City, where they were scanned and transformed into art prints and licensed products like calendars, wallpaper, and stationery. Over time, the industry shifted to favor digital art, eliminating the need for physical shipping.
This shift meant I must buy and learn Photoshop—a daunting concept ‘cause I’d yet to discover my ‘Geek-side’.
Fear of learning something hard and the cost of buying Ps lead to major resistance.
Back then, owning Photoshop meant a significant one-time purchase of about $600—a daunting cost, especially for someone unsure if they could even learn the software. Unlike today’s subscription models, this was a make-or-break decision that felt loaded with RISK. I took a deep breath and hit BUY.
I remember installing it from an actual disk, then immediately closing it, overwhelmed by its mysterious interface. Youtube wasn't a ‘thing’ back then. So learning programs like Photoshop meant reading very THICK and overwhelming manuals.
During this time, my son was battling addiction. The overwhelming worry and fear zapped my creative energy, and I stopped painting altogether.
This creative ‘rut’ led me to a whole new world of blogging, sparking my curiosity for photography. I remember scrolling through all the beautiful blogs (and Flickr) thinking I wanna do that too!
Already owning a DSLR for photographing my paintings (and that was about it), I impulsively took ‘it’ on a walk one day.
The simple act of taking photos opened a new world to me. It was like seeing ‘our trail’ through fresh eyes.
Back home, inspired, I popped in my camera card, clicked through my (let's just say, less-than-amazing) pics, and decided to add a texture to a single tree photo. (textures were huge back then—oh, and textures are back—have you noticed?)
Anyhow, using textures meant I had to to open Photoshop—Hello layers, blend modes, and masking.
Reflecting back, I realize the initial and scary $600 investment in Photoshop was pivotal.
Often our most challenging moments can guide us down unexpected paths. The struggles my son faced led me indirectly to a new way of seeing the world and a beautiful constantly evolving career path.
If you’re in a difficult period, perhaps this story will invite you to pause and look back at how challenges often shape our futures — hold strong.
(Or maybe you'll consider trying something today that’s completely new and different.)
One of my favorite reflective practices is inspired by Steve Jobs’ advice to ‘connect the dots’ looking backward. It centers me, inviting trust that somehow, everything will align and work out.
That simple photo of an autumn tree on the trail led me to open Photoshop, add a texture, and fall in love with the magic happening right in front of my eyes.
This lead to— painting my own textures, scanning them, packaging them into collections, blogging, teaching courses on Photoshop and Lightroom, Photography, Filmmaking, and creative coaching.
Oh and this dream studio to create in each day.
Thank you, Photoshop. You changed my life.
Now, I’d love to hear from you. What’s something you’ve been resisting—something that feels hard, or maybe even a little scary? Could it be the very thing that leads you to a new chapter or a fresh way of seeing the world?
Take a moment to reflect and maybe, just maybe, take that first step today. Who knows where it might take you?
You can't connect the dots looking forward; you can only connect them looking backwards. So you have to trust that the dots will somehow connect in your future. You have to trust in something — your gut, destiny, life, karma, whatever. This approach has never let me down, and it has made all the difference in my life."
— Steve Jobs
Link Love
Watching Parenthood (again).
Parenthood fan— favourite character? (I'd have to pick Crosby but then there's Adam and Joel and Sarah.)
my FAVOURITE mechanical pencil.
extra touches to elevate your website.
are you in ‘the dip’?
Style my Shot is Open again.
join the extraordinaryFILM waitlist.
looking for help, guidance and support for your creative business? check out inBUSINESS.CO.
Over to You
As always, I love knowing you were here. Please say hello in the comments below.
AI has powered our creative tools for years—Photoshop, Lightroom, even our camera apps. Now, it’s more hands-on. And while AI isn’t the artist, it can save us so much time.